Zhao Chang's Blog


An abstract data type and a linear data structure

1 What’s the Stack? A stack is an abstract data type and a linear data structure that serves a collection of elements, with two principal operations: push, which adds an element to the collect...

Binary Search

A quick search algorithm

1 What’s Binary Search? Binary search is a search algorithm that finds the position of the target value within a given logic list. Binary search compares the target value to the middle of the list....


A method of solving complex problems

1 What’s Recursion? Recursion in computer science is a method of solving the problem where the solution depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem. Sometimes a problem is too d...

QuickSort Algorithm

One of the most efficient sorting algorithms

1 What’s QuickSort Algorithm? Like MergeSort, QuickSort is one of the most efficient sorting algorithm based on the divide and conquer algorithm. It’s also a randomized algorithm. It picks an elem...

MergeSort Algorithm

One of the most efficient sorting algorithms

1 What’s Merge Sort Algorithm? Merge sort is one of the most efficient sorting algorithms. It works on the principle of Divide and Conquer. Merge sort repeatedly break down a list into several sub...

The design of ScholarEye

a tool of visual relevance analysis for academic information

1 Introduction One month ago, we developed the prototype system of visual relevance analysis to help the user discover potential and relevant academic information. Although the previous system is a...

The prototype system of visual relevance analysis

visual relevance analysis system for academic information

1 Introduction Recently, our group is working on visual relevance analysis to discover related academic information. It is important for researchers to discover related academic information when th...

The Real-time Statistics System of Data Collection

Development environment OS:                 Mac os X 10.95 Python:           2.7 Django:          1.9.4 Database:       Mysql Bootstrap:      3.3.0 Jquery:           2.0.0 Highcharts:     5.0...

The analysis and speculation system of college entrance examination of my university

Development environment OS:                 Mac os X 10.95 PHP:               5.6.15 Database:       Mysql Bootstrap:      3.3.0 Jquery:           2.0.0 Highcharts:     5.0.2 This system ai...

The system displaying the employer's distribution

Development environment OS:                 Mac os X 10.95 PHP:               5.6.15 Database:       Mysql Bootstrap:      3.3.0 Jquery:           2.0.0 Echarts:         3.0 In order to ana...